Rafting on the Rioni river

04.02.2018   11224

River Rioni is the main water artery of Georgia.

The Rioni River (geo რიონი) is one of the largest rivers in South Caucasus and the largest in Georgia. In ancient times the river was known as the Phasis. From May to mid-July - during the active snow melting, this is a deep, dangerous river with fast water and powerful rapids.

At springs time, rafting on Rioni associated with an increased risk, and even with professional safety, rafting descent isn't available in several places. Since August, the water level in the river has been decreasing, and rafting becomes available, practically throughout its entire length.

The first rafting section on Rioni

The first rafting section on the Rioni River starts 1 km below its confluence with the Chanchachi River. The tart place locates under the bridge across the river, along which the road goes to the famous Shovi Resort in Georgia. The section ends with a long and dangerous; rapid in the village of Utsera.

Attention! This section is dangerous and available only for professionals, during high water it is a steeply dipping river with powerful water structures (shafts, barrels, boilers), besides rafting complicated by the broken trees which remain on the waterway. The entire section can be considered as a single rapid becoming more complicated by the end of the route. The water in the river is ice-cold, and the descent separate from the boat is dangerous for life.

The second rafting section on the Rioni River

The second rafting section starts 1 km below the Utsera village and ends below the Oni village. The length of the rafting in this place is about 14 km. The section represents a rapid, but not a deep river, with the high waves, plums, but with sites for rest.

Despite the above, rafting organization along the second river section always associated with an increased risk, and rafting carried out with the use of a professional rescuer in the group.

The third rafting section on the Rioni River

The third section stretch from the Onivillage to the Ambrolauri district center. The river becomes calmer in this section, but there is a long, complicated, and exciting rapid in the canyon Mukhli which located close to the same name village. The River narroweth in several places till 5-8 meters, and connection with huge waves and deep water holes, make the Muklhli canyon one of the hardest trials on the river. Rafting in this section also carried out with a professional rescuer in the group during high water times.

The fourth rafting section on the Rioni River

The fourth rafting section begins in the small township Ambralauri, which is famous by local wine - Hvanchkara. That route is one of the simplest and popular on the river. Here, Rioni flows in a broad valley. River speed remains, but there are shoals and several rapids with high waves and rapid current.

Section finish at the confluence with the Shareula River. The length of rafting at this section is 23 kilometers; the time required for rafting estimated from 1.5 to 2 hours. Rafting on that section is suitable for beginners and those who want to acquaint with rafting.

The fifth rafting section on Rioni River

The fifth section for rafting takes place immediately after the confluence of Rioni with Shareula, the left tributary of Rioni. The river directly enters the deep Alphana canyon after the start of the section. In that canyon located several impressive rapids consist of large boulders with boiling water holes, high waves, and backward currents. Behind the canyon, the river enters the valley and confluence with the Tskheniskali River in the Alpana settlement, becoming even more full-flowing.

A few kilometers before Tvishi village Rioni enters again to the narrow canyon with high walls and extraordinary views. In that canyon located the finish point of the rafting section, it is in 2 km before the auto-bridge to the village of Orhvi. The length of this part is 14 km.

The sixth rafting section on the Rioni River

The start point of the sixth section locates two kilometers higher than the auto-bridge to the village of Orkhvi. It is fantastic and complex rafting in the deep canyon of Tvishi. Here is one of the best rafting section on the Rioni River. In the canyon, there are big waves, complicated lines in rapids, dangerous holes, and big stones stayed in the middle of the river current. Two complex rapids are in the section, the first one located under the automobile bridge to Orkhvi, the second one near the village of Mikvena. The rafting has the finish under the bridge to the Derchi village. The length of the rafting is 10 kilometers. The opportunity to raft this section is available no all season. In several conditions, rafting can be too dangerous. And rafting on the Tvishi section demands a professional lifeguard in the group.

The seventh rafting section on the Rioni River

The rafting takes place from the Derchi village and takes out close to Joiti village, near the beautiful waterfall. It is pure rafting of the full-flowing river of Grade Two. It is suitable for participants of all skill levels. The finish point locates only in 15 kilometers of Kutaisi the second capital of Georgia.
